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Obedience Training
Do take your dog to a training class. We highly recommend that both you and your GSD attend a 6 – 8 week obedience class. Nothing can replace the loyalty, respect and knowledge you and your dog will walk away with by training with your dog. We believe this to be a very important part of the bonding experience. After that, practice, practice, practice! A well-trained GSD makes for a happy human and home!
House Training Your Dog or Puppy
The keys to house-training the puppy/dog are judicious use of confinement (when indoors) and scheduling. Confining the puppy/dog in a small area such as its crate or a part of the kitchen will encourage it to "hold it" until taken outdoors. Keeping it on a regular schedule of feeding, watering, and walking outside will make it much easier for the puppy/dog to keep clean indoors. After the puppy has successfully completed its business when and where it is supposed to, it can be allowed some freedom to play inside before its next period of confinement.
Confinement works because dogs, like wolves, have a natural instinct to keep their own dens clean and to go outside the den to defecate. Until training is completed, the pup/dog should be confined whenever it is in the house, except for those times immediately after it has done its business when you can be fairly sure an accident won't occur.
When the puppy/dog does make a mistake in the course of training, harsh methods of correction are not necessary. If you catch it in the act, merely say in a disapproving tone, "Wrong" or "Nuh-uh-uh" and then bring it outside and show it where he or she should have gone. If you find the evidence after the fact, just clean it as soon as possible, but not in the presence of the dog. Be sure to use a product available at pet stores that will remove all the odor from the spot so the dog is not attracted to go in the same place again.
Following each feeding, don't merely turn the dog out, but rather take the dog outside yourself and stay with it. When he or she does its business, always say the same designated word (example, "potty" or "do it" ) that he or she will learn to associate the word with the act. Later, when you take it out or go for a walk and say the word, he or she will know what to do! When he or she does what he or she is supposed to, don't forget to show it how delighted you are by telling it in ecstatic tones what a good dog he or she is!
The above suggestions will work, even if you work outside the home. While a dog may remain in your fenced yard during working hours, very young puppies will probably have to remain indoors. Crating a puppy for 8 hours is too long — the puppy does not have this much physical capacity. Instead, confine it in a small area such as a bath or laundry room. (Make sure that you "puppy-proof it for safety) or buy an exercise pen (small kennel). Next, place a box or large dishpan in the area and fill it with cedar shavings. Wipe up a small sample of the puppy’s urine and feces with a paper towel and place in the cedar box so the smell will attract the pup and give it the idea of what to do there. The box can be cleaned by scooping out the dropping just as a box of kitty litter is cleaned.
Later, as the puppy matures, and you want to teach it to go outside, take some of the smelly cedar shavings and place them in the area of the yard that you want the puppy to use. During the evening hours when you are home and on weekends, carry the puppy outside to prevent it from going "on the way" and follow the steps outlined above for training.
For an excellent pet resource center, check out Pet Education.
Chewing is an instinct for GSD's. A bored and lonely GSD can be a chewing machine. Buy them chew toys or raw (never cooked) bones (see below) so they are not tempted to chew on the furniture. Show them how to use the chew toys if they're baffled, and use appropriate training (crate, behavioral, sprays, etc.) to modify behavior.
NO tennis balls (yes, they can choke on them), NO rawhide (toxic gut), NO Nylabones (they shear enamel off the teeth). Hard rubber toys are OK, Kongs, Tug Toys, etc. Watch the toys and if they begin to look frayed or broken throw them out or the GSD's will eat the pieces and could get sick. Raw knucklebones seem to be a favorite of most GSD as well. These can be purchased at your local butcher's market. If they don't have them displayed, ask for them and they should be able to supply you with fresh or frozen.
Jump Greetings
DO train your dog not to jump on you, your children, and your visitors. One approach that works well is to turn you back from them. Repeat as necessary to remind the GSD not to jump. REMEMBER to use the word OFF and not DOWN so as not to confuse the dog on what you are asking them to do. As soon as they stop/sit… praise them like crazy! If they start jumping again, stop and turn your back to them again. They’ll soon get the idea!
Another approach is to have a helper that will come to the door and pretend to be a visitor (with a tasty treat in hand!) You answer the door, the dog jumps... give a correction. When the dog sits nicely, praise and have the visitor offer the dog the treat.