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All donations go directly for the care and re-homing of the dogs we rescue. Your donation will help us ensure that our dogs get the medical attention they need. We are a 501©(3) non-profit organization so all donations are tax deductible.
How can your donation help? By giving just $40, you will be paying for one German Shepherd to receive a heartworm test. For $150, you can finance the spay/neuter of one of our rescues! Some of our rescues are heart worm positive. A generous donation of $650 completely funds their heart worm treatment. Here are some additional expenses your donation helps us fund:
- $55 A veterinary exam
- $70 A Heartworm Test
- $99 Vaccinations
- $55 6 months of Heartworm Prevention
- $30 Parasite Screening
- $107 6 months of Flea/Tick Prevention
- $200 A Neuter
- $300 A Spay
- $800 Treatment for the removal of Heartworms for 1 dog
Your donations also support our programs, WINGS and Creative Boundaries. By donating, you are helping save a life of not only a German Shepherd, but a future family member!
Sponsor an AGSDR Dog
A monetary contribution can be made directly to the care of a specific AGSDR dog. When you donate through PayPal, just designate in the special instructions box the name of dog you wish to sponsor.
Donate Items
Our foster homes purchase most non-medical food and supplies for their foster dogs. Help lessen the financial burden of a volunteer who’s been generous enough to give an unwanted dog a second chance at life by donating one or more of these items. Send us an email at letting us know of items you wish to donate.
How to Donate
Make a donation through PayPal below!
Note: If you have problems using the PayPal form, check your web browser to make sure you do not have ad blockers, or that your web browser is not blocking the redirect to the form. You may need to check your browser settings and allow popups or redirects (instructions for Chrome, Safari, Edge). Sometimes trying a different web browser will work.