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Animal Interaction Observations
All interaction between animals should be supervised at all times.
Child Interaction Observations
All interaction between animals and children should be supervised at all times.
Hello everyone, my name is Ruger because my foster mom says I'm a real pistol. I'm what my mom refers to as a "Velcro Shepherd", which means that I love, love, love to be near my humans. I like watching my foster family whether they are in the kitchen, family room, bathroom or bedroom. I just want to be close to wherever they are. I love to play when you throw a ball or squeaky toy and boy am I a fast runner. I really need a family who is active and would take me on long walks or go jogging.
I live with 4 foster brothers and 5 foster cats and I get along really well with everyone. I love to run in the backyard with my foster brothers. Mom says I have a couple of issues and we are working on those and I have really gotten better with them, but they are as follows: I don't mind being crated, but sometimes if you leave me in the crate and go out of the room, I will bark and sometimes howl. I use to do it everytime Mom walked out of the room, but now with a couple of corrections from her I calm down and be quiet. The other issue is that I don't like going outside by myself and that has gotten better also. I use to just run to the back door and bark, bark, bark to come right back inside, but I am learning that running in the grass and sometimes just laying in the grass is kinda nice and that my foster mom is coming back to get me and let me back in the house. I'm not as afraid as I was that no one is coming back for me. . .Oh yeah I just have to have another sibling to play with. That's a must as my foster mom says.
Anyway I'm a really good boy and I'm working hard on trying to get past my not liking to be alone. Maybe you can understand that I never had anyone be this nice to me or so much room to run and I'm kind of afraid it's all only a dream, so I stay close to these nice people in my dream. Oh yeah a couple of other things, I may be a little stand offish at first, but if you just give me a chance before you know it I'll be giving you lots of doggie kisses all over your face. My mom also says that if you don't want a snuggler in your life, then you don't want me. I love snuggling with my humans on the couch, in a recliner and yes even in the bed, if you let me. I may jump up on the bed, but if you tell me down, I'll get down and sleep quietly on the floor next to you.
I promise I'll make you very happy to have me in your family, if you just give me time to adjust and you guide me in my continued learning that you really want me in your family and will love me forever. Look forward to visiting you, if you think I am the right boy for yo.u please put in an application.
NOTE: In our experience many German Shepherd Dogs are very good with kids. In our bios, we may provide information on our experience with a particular dog and children. However AGSDR discourages ALL unsupervised animal/child interaction. Children should be supervised at all times when they interact with ANY animal, whether it is a horse, dog, cat, bunny, lizard, or any other species. Even loving household pets can have a grumpy day, or otherwise get tired of a child's attention, so proper supervision is essential for the well being of any child and any pet.
The entire biography of this dog is based solely upon our volunteers' experiences with the dog. The dog's age and weight are estimates, and statements about the health, temperament, training, and ability to get along with other animals, children, cats and other dogs, are estimated solely based on our volunteer's experiences with this dog. Your experiences with this dog may be quite different than those of our volunteers.