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Animal Interaction Observations
All interaction between animals should be supervised at all times.
Child Interaction Observations
All interaction between animals and children should be supervised at all times.
Harley is the newest member of our family and we are still observing her behavior traits and characteristics. Harley knows her basic commands of sit, stay, down, off. She is very friendly to humans, is crate trained, and appears to be house trained. Harley is still in her puppy stage and has a ton of energy so we are looking for an active home with experience in German Shepherds. She will need a lot of exercise to expel her German Shepherd Puppy energy. We feel she would make a good companion for someone athletic who likes to run. It is unlikely that she is friendly toward felines. Due to her size and energy level, she should not be placed in a home with young children
NOTE: In our experience many German Shepherd Dogs are very good with kids. In our bios, we may provide information on our experience with a particular dog and children. However AGSDR discourages ALL unsupervised animal/child interaction. Children should be supervised at all times when they interact with ANY animal, whether it is a horse, dog, cat, bunny, lizard, or any other species. Even loving household pets can have a grumpy day, or otherwise get tired of a child's attention, so proper supervision is essential for the well being of any child and any pet.
The entire biography of this dog is based solely upon our volunteers' experiences with the dog. The dog's age and weight are estimates, and statements about the health, temperament, training, and ability to get along with other animals, children, cats and other dogs, are estimated solely based on our volunteer's experiences with this dog. Your experiences with this dog may be quite different than those of our volunteers.