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In Loving Memory of Lainey vom Haus Merkel

She was born on June 3, 2007 a pure breed long hair German Shepherd. She came into our lives as a 3 month old puppy. This 120 lbs. "baby" was our constant companion and loving friend for over 10 years. She was also the first dog I had ever had. Originally purchased as a companion for my then wife, Katherine Cristiani, she survived her mistress' death. Lainey then bonded with my fiancée Earlene Loflin for the past 5 years.. During her time with us she participated in numerous fund raising events for the AGSDR and was the dominant dog in our household. She was instrumental in training the nine AGSDR foster dogs, which we were fortunate enough to aid in placing in their permanent homes through the AGSDR. She was also the constant companion and mentor to Magnum our surviving 120 lbs. male German Shepherd.
Lainey died on September 14, 2017 from a tumor in her spleen, which had burst. Both Earlene and I were with her, providing hands on love and comfort to her as the vet put her to sleep. We can only wish that Lainey is now happily rejoined with Katherine.
Franklyn G. Prieskop and Earlene Loflin
To say that she will be missed is a vast understatement she leaves an awful void in our lives.