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In Loving Memory and Honor of Hoss

11 years ago Gena and I were asked to foster a puppy. Little did I know that within 10 minutes I would be finding my best friend
and constant companion. Looking at his feet it was easy to give him the name "Hoss". We bonded quickly and he never left
my side. We had dozens of adventures including RV trips around the US. Because of his gentle calm nature Hoss welcomed
and comforted untold numbers of other fosters to our house. He was a favorite at meet and greets where he would just relax
and let people come up and give him attention and learn about these amazing dogs.
This weekend Hoss became seriously ill with pulmonary hypertension. Despite putting him on meds to control it Hoss passed
away in Gena and my arms May 20, 2020 at 9:30pm creating an enormous hole in our hearts. Thank you to AGSDR for
allowing us to be part of the group and bringing these amazing dogs into our lives.
Todd Johnson and Gena Helm